
Week 3

We discussed the issue of plastic pollution. You read the text of a video blog strongly denouncing the material's negative effects on the environment, especially in the oceans. You then read a written text from a scientist defending plastic, claiming that the case against this wonderful iby-product of oil was overstated. By now I hope you have watched the short lecture by Dianna Cohen on "The tough truth about plastic pollution" at TED talks, the contents of which are similar to the video blog - and also completed the question sheet I gave you. It's diffficult to write or express an opninon on an issue like this unless you know something about it. So now you should have a more informed opinion on the topic and enough ammunition to defend your argument.

In the second half I gave you some of the illustrations from a book by Raoul Dah,l entitled "Matilda" which tells the tale of a little girl who has horrible parents. The idea was to a descriptive narrative extract. Finally we did an exercise on the accurate use of tenses in a narrative.

Hopefully you will have completed the first assignment by Friday...a piece of creative writing in the Science Fiction genre. Remember you have to write between 450 and 500 words. One approach is to mimic the style of one of the extracts or stories that you have read and liked. Pay close attention to the listed criteria for assessment - and please try to be accurate with your language - balancing this with being ambitious.

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